Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Don't cry for me, Mark Sanford

Looks like the G.O.P. has lobbed in another hanging curve ball for us to hit out of the park. They really don't get it, do they? They preach and preach about what morally superior god lovers they are and then they pull the wackiest stunts imaginable.

I had the good fortune to hear the news about Sanford directly from Rush's golden EIB mocrophone. What a sweet treat that was. El Pillboy just was head over heels for Preznit Sanford in 2012 and there ain't enough Oxycontin in his cabinet to dry those tears this evening.

Poor old fat man. Thanks for playing Governor...

**facsimile of hot Argentine girlfriend


Anonymous said...

To quote John Stewart, " just another politician with a conservative mind and a liberal dick"

Anonymous said...

To quote John Stewart, " just another politician with a conservative mind and a liberal dick"

Cleveland Bob said...

Is there an echo in here?

Anonymous said...

Another sophisticated mind who thinks political parties are directed by a gang of fat old men smoking cigars in a bunker under a volcano somewhere. News can't become a successful politician these days without being a seriously twisted person inside. When the best job you can think of is telling other people what to do, wacky stunts are just unavoidable. Why is it liberals and conservatives both think there is some moral high ground they hold on this sort of thing? Grin like an idiot when it's their guy, indignantly complain that "i don't care about his personal life, stop trying to distract me from the issues!" when it's your guy.

You party hacks are the #1 thing wrong with this country, get with the program!